Healthcare R&D Challenges
In current healthcare, medical images are essential and their usage is increasing. This has led to a serious problem of overwork and medical errors due to the shortage of healthcare professionals.
With the advancement of healthcare, medical images contain a lot of information, and there is a need for systems that can quickly provide appropriate information. However, the high barrier to entry into the medical field makes it difficult to acquire personnel from other fields, which is a problem.
Companies that have medical images are scarce, and simply providing medical images is insufficient.
These problems in the medical field have existed for many years. It is urgent to solve them, but in prioritizing the advancement of healthcare, the workload of healthcare staff may increase, and the potential for patient suffering may also increase. Therefore, it cannot be denied that there is a deviation from the original "patient-friendly healthcare."

Corporate Issues
We do not know what requirements and functions are needed in clinical practice (diversification of clinical needs).
We would like to incorporate the technology of experts into the development of equipment suitable for medical practice (technology differentiation).
Even if you look at patents and papers, you do not know how to actually implement them (technology transfer).
Challenges for Medical Institutions
We want functions that are useful in the medical field (segmentation of medical care)
We want you to solve the manpower shortage (Improve efficiency of medical care)
To reduce medical errors (preventive intervention)
University/Research Institute Issues
Medical image processing and AI are not my specialty, but we want to use it.
We would like to use image processing in my research.
Why PIL?
Our AI+ medical imaging technology enables high accuracy and patient-friendly medical care. Our image processing technology is based on extensive research in medical image processing, which allows us to extract relevant information from medical images that contain rich data. As a result, it has been adopted in many medical devices, and we also provide technical support for hardware.
Medical image processing
At PIL, we have extensive research experience in medical image processing. Our image processing technology can extract appropriate information from medical images that contain rich data, and it has been adopted in many medical devices. We also provide technical support for hardware.
Machine learning
At PIL, we have staff who are knowledgeable in machine learning. They are not only familiar with deep learning and AI, but also with the underlying machine learning, and can propose appropriate approaches. In addition, we collaborate with medical facilities both domestically and internationally to acquire large amounts of medical image data, enabling us to create sufficient model files.
Extensive clinical experience
Our staff at PIL have extensive clinical experience in medical facilities both domestically and internationally. As a result, they are familiar with important aspects and appropriate approaches in medical practice. If you consult with us, we can provide solutions tailored to your needs.